We’re in the charts for episode ninety-five of The Presentation Boss Podcast. In this episode, we took another look at the most-watched TED Talks of all time, where we’ve played before and today chose to tackle the number four on that list. Brené Brown has become a...
Prepare for discussions on episode ninety-two of The Presentation Boss Podcast. In this episode, Kate and Thomas take a look at a TED Talk all about persuasion in presentations – yes it is a bit meta, but we love the double-whammy of knowledge you’ll see here. There...
It’s a big moment for episode seventy-three of The Presentation Boss Podcast. When Kate and Thomas first planned out the speech breakdown format, this was the first talk Thomas added to the list. Sir Ken Robinson’s famous TED Talk was only the sixth ever uploaded to...
Join us for episode sixty-five of The Presentation Boss Podcast! We work a whole lot with tech-based teams. Accounting, IT, engineering, academia, data analysts.. the type of deep thinkers who have a massive amount of knowledge and understanding in their topics. But...
Gather around for episode fifty-nine of The Presentation Boss Podcast! The use of storytelling in any presentation is powerful. But never moreso than in the art of persuasive speaking. That is, giving a presentation to convince an audience of something. Whether you’re...
Our last show of the The Presentation Boss Podcast, for 2019! We’ve done 35 of these now – high-five for us! For this episode we asked you, our listeners what questions you had for us about presentations, presentation skills and presentation philosophy. We received a...